They call me Captain Planet!!!!

My name is Garrett Stuart, but people call me Captain Planet...
I am a marine biologist and algae scientist in the Florida Keys. I am a storyteller that became a scientist and I connect people’s hearts back to nature again.
As a conservationist and a man of spirit, I spent many years learning the connection to our Mother Earth from the Lakota. Since a child I admired the way the Lakota lived with the Earth. Special thanks to Marvin Helper, Everett Poor Thunder, and Randy Hilderbrand for teaching me the connections that the science books couldn’t. Science and spirit are the same, not the opposite. Later in life I would create The Captain Planet Project, a movement that bridges the gaps between science, nature, and human beings by using the spirit of connection and the ability to capture hearts through my stories.
Being from Kansas, I used to think that plants were my jam until I met the ocean. I often tell people that I refer to the sea as my liquid love story...after all, she completed the education of my heart. Every drop of water we drink and every breath of air we take; we can thank the ocean. The Liquid Love controls our planet’s climate and weather, most carbon sequestering and 70% of the oxygen that is vital for Earth. Coral reefs projected to become extinct by 2050, the same year its projected that there will be more plastic in our ocean then fish; I had to do something. I believe apathy is our planet’s worst enemy. And I’m making it my job to put an end to it. In the end, we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught. I’m making it my duty to teach you. The only way to protect nature is to make people care about it again. When the connection is made, they remember to care and they will defend it like their Mother.
I accepted an educational position with Marine Science Eco Experience owned by Sherri Paris and began traveling through the keys to various resorts using my interpretive science skills for outreach programs to educate people about our oceans. My passion began to not only capture the hearts of tourists, but the locals as well. Island communities are natural eco warriors as everything we do involves the ocean around us. The islanders took me in like family, for I protected their Mother Ocean so it was obvious I was their relative. People began to call me Captain Planet as I had become somewhat of a public figure in regards to protecting what we love and caring for our Mother. I was someone they trusted their questions to, someone with an answer. Through my storytelling I’d tie my words up with passion, saddle them with connection and ride off with peoples hearts like a wild pony back to the ocean.
I partnered with Namaste Eco Excursions owned by Jeff and Trishi Bowman and took my stories underwater. We take the connection even further and apply a concept of citizen science. Normal everyday people can book a trip with Namaste and come experience what it’s like as a marine scientist and help me with coral assessments, fish populations, algae populations and all kinds of great scientific break through in coral restoration via defragmentation.
When people got the chance to come save the world with Captain Planet for a day, I realized I was leaving them with an uncontrollable fire that I had ignited once they got home but had no direction. I then founded The Captain Planet Project, and saw the power in the project. The project is to turn everyone I inspire into the Captain Planet of their community and give them the education and support they need to do so. It quickly went from a Facebook page into a movement that has spread from the keys to throughout the planet. CPP then opened up its “eco consulting” division as well as educational consulting. I travel through space via FaceTime to different schools all over earth as well as consult for businesses needing an eco friendly make over. The cool part was...I didn’t exactly start it, the community came to me for help, and the schools asked me to visit; I was more honored to take the role as Captain Planet and I use that concept to be something much greater then myself. It’s our future at heart. Become an Earth Guardian and join the revolution of the wave. Become apart of The Captain Planet Project via Facebook or to learn how you can become apart of the answer and not the problem. Together we can learn how to love our Mother again, and perhaps even love ourselves again. Let’s keep our oceans blue, our planet green, and our animals safe and teach our children a better way.
with love and compassion,
Captain Planet